Aug 2023

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given the thumbs up to TALVEY, a pioneering medication for adults battling an advanced stage of multiple myeloma. This special drug is designed for patients who have tried at least four other treatments without success.

Developed by Janssen, a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, TALVEY is a bispecific antibody—a type of medicine that latches onto two different targets in the body. For this drug, those targets are specific markers on T cells and multiple myeloma cells. Doctors can administer the drug through injections either weekly or every other week, offering some scheduling flexibility.

According to Dr. Ajai Chari of the University of California, San Francisco, this medication offers a ray of hope for patients with a generally poor outlook. "TALVEY stands out for its effectiveness, even in cases where other advanced therapies didn't work," said Dr. Chari.

The latest study showed remarkable results: about 73% of patients responded positively to the drug, and the effects lasted. Even those who had been treated with similar advanced therapies before saw benefits.

However, TALVEY isn't without risks. Side effects can include cytokine release syndrome, a condition that requires careful monitoring, along with a range of others like fever and muscle pain. Therefore, the drug is available only through a restricted program to ensure proper risk management.

Michael Andreini, CEO of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, expressed enthusiasm: "Despite advancements, multiple myeloma is still incurable. TALVEY offers a new avenue of treatment, fulfilling a crucial need in the medical community."

Peter Lebowitz, who leads Oncology Research & Development at Janssen, echoed this sentiment: "Our aim is to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible in treating this challenging form of cancer. TALVEY's approval is another milestone in our ongoing mission."

The drug's approval is fast-tracked, meaning it will need to prove its long-term effectiveness in future studies to maintain its FDA status. Nonetheless, it represents a promising step forward in the fight against a complex and often deadly disease.

Source: Johnson&Johnson

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